Meditation On Twin Hearts
Join us in this simple yet powerful meditation guided by Master Cha Kok Sui. Experience inner-peace and illumination while blessing the entire earth with harmony and loving-kindness.
Join Us for a Meditation

Twin Hearts Meditation
for World Peace
Join our local community online
Tuesdays 10–10:30 am
Wednesdays 12:30–1:00pm
Thursdays 7–7:30 pm

MCKS Twin Hearts
with Great Invocation
Join our global community online
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Twin Hearts Meditation with Master Nona
Canada Wide – Online
June thru Dec 2022 at 5:30 PM
June 16
July 21
Aug 18
Sept 15
Oct 20
Nov 17
Dec 15

“When you do Meditation on Twin Hearts a lot of Soul Energy comes down. You become whole and more connected and one with your higher soul.”
–Master Choa Kok Sui
Reduces stress
Brings contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy in life
Increases mental clarity
Cleanses and strengthens the the energy body
Opens awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone
When done regularly expands spiritual consciousness
Heart problems
Unregulated high blood pressure
Severe hypertension due to kidney or liver ailments
Pregnant women can do this meditation sparingly (stop when there is any experience of discomfort)
Pregnant women with history of miscarriage should not practise this meditation